Substance Abuse Resources

Center On Addiction - Countless resources and tools to support parents and other caregivers in their efforts to keep their children safe from addictive substances that would be promoted and made available to study sites.

Help & Hope by Text - An innovative and first-of-its-kind text messaging program, in which parents and other caregivers can sign up to receive tailored text messages offering evidence-based skills and strategies to help them better communicate with their children, prevent substance use, motivate children to change their behavior, or get help and treatment for a loved one, if needed.

Helpline Services - Trained and caring specialists help families find answers and offer a personalized course of action, relying on the best tools and resources. Through free and confidential services, parents and other caregivers concerned about their children can receive support and help in English or Spanish via text messaging, email, or telephone.

Parent Coaching Services - A parent seeking help and perspective on their child’s substance use issues is paired with a specially trained parent volunteer who has also traveled the path of dealing with a child’s substance use. By speaking with someone who has been there and walked in their shoes, parents can learn how to stay connected to their loved one and get the support and encouragement they need and deserve.

Parents Against Vaping e-Cigarettes - Join parents across the country fighting to protect our kids from the predatory practices of e-cigarette companies like Juul and its copycats: Big Tobacco 2.0.

National Survey: Adolescent Attitudes toward Addictive Substances - Teen insights into drugs, alcohol and nicotine, conducted by the Center on Addiction.

Blog for Parents - Advice from experts and perspective from families who have been impacted by substance use, provided by Partnership for Drug Free Kids.