Why Teens May Never Be the Same After the Pandemic

In the time of coronavirus, traditional hallmarks of the high school experience have all but disappeared. And as everyone settles into new routines inside, at home, teens are feeling angry, anxious and reticent. Their identities are fracturing in isolation, and the people who love them, teach them and study them fear they'll wear the effects of the pandemic for years to come.

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Frost Valley 2020 Photo Gallery

The Frost Valley 10th grade trip, an annual three-day retreat to the Frost Valley YMCA Camp in Claryville, New York, took place in January 2020. Student from our single sex schools - Brearley, Browning, Collegiate, Nightingale and Spence - have an opportunity to experience a "larger campus" and get to know their classmates in other schools in a coed setting. About 300 10th graders, 42 peer leaders, 40 faculty members and the Interschool staff all take part.

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Students in High-achieving Schools are Now Named an ‘At-risk’ Group

Emerging research is finding that students in “high-achieving schools” — public and private schools with high standardized test scores, varied extracurricular and academic offerings, and graduates who head off to top colleges — are experiencing higher rates of behavioral and mental health problems compared with national norms.

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