How to Raise Good Kids During Tough Times


Julie Lythcott-Haims, a best-selling author, human advocate, and well-respected guide for children and parents was hosted on ZOOM by Interschool and the Nightingale school on October 18th. Over 1,000 Interschool families registered to hear her candid, funny and heart-felt advice for “Raising Good Kids in Tough Times.

Julie gave parents insight into the importance of truly listening, and to have safer and saner expectations for their kids.  She stresses the importance of kindness and empathy in all of our relationships and urges parents to help their kids learn to do things for themselves, including chores and life skills that will teach them to live independently.

To learn more about Julie Lythcott-Haims, click here.

To connect with Julie or order a copy of her book, Your Turn, click here.

If you missed her talk, you can watch it here.